To be eligible for a return, the following conditions must be met:
- Returns must be requested and shipped within 14 days of receiving your order.
- The item(s) must be in its original, unworn, unused, and unaltered condition with the tags attached. While you may open the shipping package, all product packaging must remain intact, undamaged, and included. We recommend using the original shipping materials for returns.
- All footwear must be returned with the dust bag, shoe wrap tissue paper, and original packaging. To prevent damage during return shipping, please place the shoes back in their original box. Do not use the shoe box as the outer packaging for the return shipment.
- Sale items discounted by 50% or more are final sale and not eligible for return.
We reserve the right to reject any return that does not meet these requirements. If a return is rejected and you wish to have the item returned to you, you must provide a shipping label for its return.
To return any eligible items, please contact us to request a Return Authorization. Returns that do not meet our policy requirements will not be accepted. For full details, please review our return policy.
We currently do not offer free returns.
We currently do not offer exchanges. If you'd like to exchange an item, you can return your original order and place a new order based on the current available stock.
Upon completing our quality check, we will initiate the refund process typically within 5 business days from the date we receive your package. Please keep in mind that your bank may require additional time to reflect the refunded amount in your account after you’ve received our email refund confirmation.
Please note that shipping fees are non-refundable. Should you have refused delivery of your order, any return shipment fees incurred are deducted from your refund.